Join the iFEED project this Saturday

Healthy Living through Arts will be participating in the Scarborough Village Community Garden's Harvest Festival this Saturday, organized by the Scarborough Village Community Garden and the Community Arts Guild.
With the support of partners and artists, we will be showcasing the youth's work from the iFEED project and providing opportunities for guests to take home their own painted canvas and a swag bag (t-shirt and tote bag) courtesy of the City of Toronto Cultural Hotspot SPARK project.
The festival will include art activities, plant and veggie giveaways, and a scavenger hunt! Please feel free to come out with family and friends.
There will be two time slots:
morning (11 a.m. to 1 p.m.)
afternoon (1 p.m. to 3 p.m.)
Capacity limits and social distancing protocols will be in effect.
Register to reserve your spot(s) at
Please include the number of people attending and time slot preference (a.m. or p.m.)
For more information please email Joanna at or call 416-556-8247.
Learn more about the iFEED project, a City of Toronto Cultural Hotspot SPARK project.